Next EVENT: St. Brigid's Day Milonga
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3rd Feb, 2024
Teachers' club, Dublin 1

Welcome to DATS!
We are DATS, the Dublin Argentine Tango Society.
We are Tango lovers in Dublin, and we provide a platform for tango teachers and DJs in Ireland.
Want to discover tango and milongas in the beautiful city of Dublin? We provide an event calendar with information on all Tango classes and milongas in Dublin. On our 'Organisers' page, we provide links to the tango organisers on the island of Ireland.
Please follow us on Social to get the latest updates. There is an email-based newsletter, especially useful for those that are not on Facebook. You can sign up for the newsletter via the 'Contact Us' page.
Un abrazo!

At every AGM a new committee is voted in to serve for a term of about one year until the next AGM. DATS also relies on the work of other non-committee volunteers.
The current (2024) DATS committee members are (in alphabetical order): Gaspar, Juan, Margaret, Michael and Wenhao.
DATS volunteers are Antonio.
There is always a lot to do! If you feel inspired and motivated to volunteer for DATS please talk with us at a milonga, via the Facebook page or email.